Saturday, August 10, 2024

The importance of forgiveness

When there is someone you still have not forgiven you close yourself off. You may think you just close yourself off from the person you have not forgiven, but the opposite is true and you are actually closing yourself off from the source of energy. By doing so you also limit the spaciousness of your consciousness. You are not suppose to have any enemies, nor anyone to discriminate or reject. By not forgiving we close the person we can not forgive into a mental prison cell.

You are suppose to accept reality and to be in the now. You have to do both to be able to do one, but often people run away from the now and from reality, thinking instead – how things should be and could be better.

To forgive you use empathy and discover that people who seem to act mean towards others are just protecting themselves. It was nothing to take personally. Nothing disrespectful. When we say someone don't love us or disrespect us we analyse a behaviour from a self occupied and (therefor) limited perception.