Sunday, February 28, 2021

Various poems

How can they be right about you
when their view is askew?

No wonder you look like a monster to them
when they look at you
with a magnifying glass.


The woman's wounds
gives blood to the child.

Suffering is the price
for the gift of love.


It's a starry sky night.
The houses are lying down,
the trees bends to the ground
and I want go home to the minute-hand
that calls me in the daytime
while the door is ajar.

I belong here where the home whispers
on my throat: I only long for a man 
who can fence it in.


Light of life

Life smiles like light
through a woman's open mouth
that has chewed over so much 
her teeth are gone.


I feel divided in two;
A mind with no body to rest upon
and a body that feels very much alone.


If you want to stand out
you will be exposed
like a drawer from a chest
everyone can look inside.


Children want the sun, but adults give them withered leaves.


It is hard to accept our illusions
so we get distraught, complain and criticise,
but it's good we don't accept them,
so don't get upset when others gets upset.
Tell them the reality instead.


I'm impatient. I have waited
an unbearable amount of time in vain.
I don't want do it again.


If you neglect love
when communicating with another
you make them feel inferior.


The cloud imploded
and shoved me
to the peak of the ocean.


Sex is everything.
Love is even more.


I often get depressed into the ground.
Other times upset by the forces in it
and trample on the surface.

It is so tight down there
skin and flesh disappear
and from a black hollowed-out place
I see old water running out.

Today I was released and could jump
because my skin was there
to safe-keep my heart.


I curl like withered grass
through a hollow in the ground
and suck ground water.


Will you breed a horse for me?
A reproductive organ beautiful as a diagram
for performance art.
I don't breed flesh, I breed horses.

They eat angel tears and cumin leaves
and throw lard in an open tear tank
for the dumb with no words in their throat.


Humour fell off the wings when I trembled with fear and rage
and they broke when I encountered hubris.

I then drowned in compassionate understanding
and forgot the antipode, a much better weapon.

Life is always humorous and tragic at the same time.
Only those without power will try to take power from others.

One can be fooled and ensnared or laugh by the attempt,
but they can never take away ones freedom.


I thought I had been looking at shining stars,
but it was droplets of water on an invisible tree
a street lamp illuminated outside the window.


Some people feel like a victim,
but no one likes that feeling,
so there is a lot of complaining.
They don't think they deserve it,
but how can they know?


The sounds outside becomes intruding
when the inner sounds is pressing to come out.


I can only understand you
when I'm not against you

and can only be close to you
when the thoughts has fallen
from these trees
and the vase has cracked.

If I could identify myself
with something in everyone
we would all be united.

We are all the same
in different ways.


If I distance myself from something
with condemnation it has caught me.

I am taken by what I can not express
because I don't want to know about it.

If I accept that I contain it,
I am over it.


My heart can't crush.
It isn't that hard.
It is the crust on it that can.

I writhed the heart out of it.
The blood wants to flow!
Now I can feel the soft flesh.


I just have a heart to fulfil.
It is filled by love.


Questions you ask God is like arrows you shoot.
The more precise the phrasing, the straighter it flies.
The more riveted it is, the better the head will hit.
The stronger your desire to know the answer is,
the more power the arrow has to hit it.


The night I walked up the hill
I pressed myself through my white face
so it cracked and looked like the full moon
in the black sky behind fine offshoots of a tree.

Without my face I could see inside 
a tiny offspring shine in a dark void.


A beam through the wall
split my dark strip of thoughts in two.


If I become small as a sperm cell
I can enter the substance of mother of life.


If you can't see that everything
that happens is right
your attitude is wrong.


My longing runs after you
who went away.


Freedom without boundaries
is just boundaries.


Justice is right in heaven,
but it's not my right to experience here. 
I can choose to be righteous, though.


When I arise to gladden hearts
the sorrow of the world is under my feet.

If you search behind the sorrow at night
joy will come to light.


The devil abase me so much
I sink down in darkness;
Eternal hell.

He consumes me by full moon
like a beast
so I quickly disappear.

Not able to express myself;
No noble quality.
Just despair.

He fills my body up.
I only feel the swelling,
not my essence.

His facial expressions are ghastly
to frighten me the most
and his behaviour so deceitful
I feel I'm full of holes.


Emptiness is the other side of craving.


When we are free we can choose
and choose the good.

When we are unfree we can only protest 
against evil or be its slave.


The so called lazy are just unmotivated.
We are not the body that wants to rest.
We are spirit that wants to fly and dance with joy, 
but are weighed down by the material.


With a negative focus there is room for nothing.
With a positive one there is room for everything.


When you find all the pieces together
you will see everything is alright.


Do not call me sharp and I will not call you dull.
Even though I can see through bullshit somewhere,
it doesn't mean I can do it everywhere.


How can you be mortal
when you can discover
something eternal?


Our divine yearning is the strongest,
but it is overshadowed by physical desires
and the vain ego hampers its unfoldment.


Lust that conquers the will
leads to perdition.


You say: I am enough for myself.
I say: I have had enough of myself.

If I can't show love at earth
I don't want to be here.


The top lid has an impeding view on the kettle,
so the kettle looks square,
but when the lid pulls itself together
there is no division between the above and the below,
because without this ascendancy the kettle adapt willingly
and change shape to a triangle.


I wear myself out like a cloth 
I wash wounds with.


We grow and shine like dandelion, green
and are weighed down by brown leaves 
nagging in the autumn of the world.

The leaves among us aren't comforting,
but we are the survivors.


If I had stood on the threshold of death
I would have tipped over by the sight 
of the black void

so I only watched with the tip 
of my shiny, black shoes 
close to the doorstep,

but when my heart and mind got heavy
I fell over the edge head first.



Breaking the waves we did.
Went down to the underground.
There in the depths 
precious stones we found.

I cant live without you here.
I need you to drag me down
to the bottom of the ocean.
In the fog you can't be found.

Can you come and find me here?
See me hanging in the air.
Hear me from heavens sphere
and drag me down under the ocean.


Sometimes the romance calls.
You better pick it up sometime.


That is not only your pain
and this is not only mine.
It is ours.


If you betray love 
when communicating with others
you make them feel inferiority.



We feel down because our means 

to offer something of value 

to mankind is scant.

From this low point of view

we only see shit

so shit is what we give.


I get upset when someone talks to me as if I am a moron,
but it is stupid of me to take comments personally
and to expect that a dum skull can express himself intelligently.


Red labia minora

My red labia minora,

is bathing in the ocean.

They are the roots 

of the flower in my chest.


It swells between my legs.
The blood won't go away,
but make me grow.

The same with my heart.
that also wants to flourish,

so if I only let it be
the sap can reach my heart

and make a rose out of me.


A coincidence is when two meet
like small stones click together
when one is kicked towards the other 
by someone higher.


People are out of balance

when they have no one to lean one.


Many people say they fear dying 
because they fear the unknown,
but they enter the unknown every night.

Every time they fall asleep they die from their body; 
Detach from it, the physical realm and the personality too 
and enter another world when they dream.

The same happens when the body perishes.


The door I thought closed on you
was just a sway of a curtain.


Psychoanalysis barely touches the truth.
It can only describe its shadows.


A bad parent is someone
who doesn't see their child 
is an angel.


Scrapping it out of order
into a hole of liberty
not yet broken.

The shell luminous
to the ground
of broken glass.


The dragonfly saw it all.
Looking to the left and right
above the square house
with drooping windows
and a garden so big
no neighbours in sight.


I went out of my mind
and envied the others on the train
who where still safe in theirs
while I was all over the place.


I'm in pain and want to die.
Then I see a dead cat and cry.

I'm not here for my sake, am I?


It is so shallow living on asphalt
where I can't put down roots and grow
so I moved where my bones were covered up
and the soil is so dry it blows away
and uncover my roots.


He rot himself down through the ground
and waves of dirt.
Strangled his hope
and searched for an ocean of misbeliefs.

He thought the ground would be better off with him
as he blended in and vanished.


They stare at the devil as if it is sugar
and bade in its waters although it is muddy.

They came up like frogs speaking meaningless words
and jump on each other hoping that will bring peace.


We were placed in a circle.
The woman I disliked
sat besides me.

When love filled the room
she was the one
I yearned to show love.


True luxury is to show generosity.


If a small tree is cut down too much
it doesn't have branches to stretch after
the grown up trees

so it must crawl down to the roots to bond
to other trees via mycelium,

but there it can reach the tallest tree
and be brought up even higher.


The bottom of the ocean

I want to sweep the water
from the land between us

to show the bottom
of what gives rise to
what surrounds us

so we can always reach
each other.


The loving notice
I could feel on my heart
was the touch of a sunbeam
from another heart.

It left a trace of joy
when the owner smiled.


Light ocean of love
support you, cat
with playful fingers.

How beautiful you are
when it sparkles
through you.


Suffering is the price
for the gift of love.


One virtue follows the other
like white pearls on a necklace.

One sin follows the other
like black pearls on a chain.

If you have one pearl
you have them all.

You have the whole
pearl necklace on.
The white or the black.


The thoughts are a film,
like sleep in the eyes,
a veil between the outer
and the inner world.


They sit at the top of a tree
and shouts down to me:
Just let us know if we can help.


I am going home
where no one is driving.
Through woods, fields,
deserts, mountains and seas.

Nobody can see me walking.


My anger is sharp as a sword.
It is painful to keep inside.
My flesh is its sheath.


I am going home
where no one is driving.
Through woods, fields,
deserts, mountains and seas.
Nobody can see me walking.


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