Saturday, September 11, 2021

22 dating tips for men

Don't do the mistake of talking a lot about yourself or your job. Focus on her. Give her attention, ask her questions and listen carefully to show your interest.

Try to find out what she is passionate about so the two of you have something to talk about that makes her happy. Also try to find out what passions you share. 

Before you meet make sure you already know what she likes to do so you can do some of that on the date. 

Don't speak about sex or anything related to it.

Don't kiss her before you can see she really wants you to.

Don't flirt. Flirting connects with her sexuality only. If you want a serious relationship that is not the way to go about it.

Avoid using words like darling, baby, honey etc. Save that untill you have agreed you are in a relationship.

Don't expect a kiss or a hug on the first date. You can kiss her on the forehead. If she likes you the lack of touch will make her aware she is hungry for more physical contact.

Be careful about perfumes. She can't know if she is attracted to your body scent if you cover it up.

Don't speak about money. What you both earn is a private matter.

Avoid trivial topics as much as possible. You don't want the date to be boring.

Have an open mind. If there is something you don't understand well don't judge, but instead try to understand by asking questions.

If you say something she doesn't like don't cover it up by lying. Women needs to feel safe and trust is key to that. You destroy that by lying.

If she says no respect it. Don't nag to get your will. Don't take anything for granted either. Show respect. It is very important for her to feel respected. Pay attention to what she says, what she feels and what she wants.

Forget about jokes unless you are good at spontaneously making them. Rather make her feel good (safe) and happy. Then she easily laughs about the smallest things.

Be genuin. 

Don't talk about your ex girlfriends or too much about the past.

Don't have high expectations when you go on dates. To find a good match isn't easy. Instead just try to enjoy yourself and be happy to get to know a new person. 

Know what you are looking for in a woman and what you value.

If you seem desperate you will just push her away. Remember she wants to be appreciated because she is she, not just because she is a woman or something else she shares with many others.

Don't show up with smelly clothes, stained teeth, greasy hair and uncut nails if you want her to be attracted to you and not reject you.

Forget about the three day rule of dating. She likes to know how you felt about the date the same day and don't be afraid of telling her how you feel and what you think of her.

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